I was just recently asked by a new client if LED (Light Emitting Diodes) is harmful to our skin.
And the answer is NO. LED was first developed by NASA. LED light or LIGHT EMITTING DIODES have been around for 40 years and have been used for wound healing. LED light has been well researched to determine the benefits to the health of our skin and body. And the FDA has approved certain kinds of LED Light Therapies. Now, LED lights are being used for skin rejuvenation. And post surgery for healing.
So, who would have ever thought that light had healing benefits?
How does LED Light work? LED light emits energy producing waves of light into the deeper layers of skin. It converts light energy into cell producing energy. There are several different colors of light and each color affects different results for skin.
Why colors? Each color has a specific purpose. So, let’s take a look and see what they do.
RED LED- stimulates cells that increase ATP production. ATP is an energy unit that the body uses. Reduces signs of aging. Stimulates Collagen and Elastin production. Collagen plumps, Elastin firms.
Blue LED- treats acne, destroys the bacteria under the skin that causes acne.
GREEN LED- improves hyper pigmentation, inhibits melanin production.
YELLOW LED- it is absorbed by the body’s fluids in lymph and blood circulatory systems. It increases lymphatic flow which will help evacuate waste products.
PURPLE LED- redness and Rosacea treatment.
As you can see LED Light is beneficial, healthy and safe, and affects positive changes for skin.
At Afterglow in Providence, RI we have LED- the colors above and more. They can be added to a facial or as a stand alone treatment. It’s also part of the Red Carpet Treatment done on the Sapphire 3 Oxylight.
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if you are in the Providence area and would like an appointment at Afterglow please call 401-575-9004 or go to Schedulicity.com and make an appointment yourself!